terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

The pig is the only animal invulnerable to bites of poisonous snakes.
  Some experts claim that this phenomenon is due to layers of fat from the animal, which prevent

Gabriela P
  You can make a cow up stairs but it is impossible to bring it down.

- The cows eat the placenta after birth. This is a behavior that is common to herbivores and it is a defense mechanism inherited from the cows while they were wild animals, the placenta and the smell of blood attracts predators, which makes it necessary to get rid of it soon as possible.

- Cows spend 6 to 8 hours to chew.

- A cow lives about 25 years. With two years as an adult.

- Cows were domesticated about 5,000 years ago.

- Cows are considered sacred animals by the Hindu religion (India).

- Studies show that cows love music and produce more milk if the leave to the sound of silent tunes.

- Although sometimes teach that cows have four stomachs actually only have one, but with four divisions.

- You may be interested in:

"" Cows with name give more milk

»» Cows kill about 20 people a year in the U.S.

"'Cows moo with regional accent

»» Cows acquitted of causing global warming

Gabriela P.

Did you know?Storms provides the squirrel! That's cool!The squirrel pups are born blind and take nine days to be able to see.

The squirrel is a small rodent mammal body stretched measuring over 25 cm long with the tail is 22cm long, its tail is well peluda.Ele weighs aprox.250gThe color changes from animal to animal, it changes with the weather and seasons.In winter the fur is brown with red reflections, mixed gray cabeça.A on the back or belly is white.It has a very strong hearing and smell.He usually lives in an animal florestas.è very fast, runs and jumps a lot, it jumps from branch to branch with lots of trees facilidade.È also known to be a clever mammal.He is an animal very common in Europe, although in other continents.As the drawings he eats fruits, nuts and pine nuts preferring, for when the food is great, keep them in holes in trees, under rocks or in holes he digs, these foods are stored for when food is rare for him can eat, especially in winter.During hot weather (daytime) sleep and only leaves the burrow at dawn and dusk.He felt the changes of time, he is very restless and emit a characteristic whistle, which only emit when agitated
It reproduces or have puppies twice a year, the first in March and the second in June, may have offspring in the first 2 to 7 puppies and kittens in the second least filhotinhos.Os born blind and remain nine days.The female cares for the puppies carefully carinho.Pra love and build their nests using the same materials that the birds, and its interior filled with moss.Predators or animals that eat them are foxes, birds of prey escapes the 2 / 1 martas.Às quite easily, hiding in holes where those who can not enter.But the mink are difficult to escape because they are very fast, climbing trees with equal ease.

                                                                    Gabriela P.

The snakes change their skin every month or every two months, when they grow up, when the skin is old and very tight and when it is scratched and worn. During this change, isolate themselves and are moving slightly.

  An oily substance expands between the old skin, which becomes dry, soft and tender and the new skin underneath. To take off the old skin, the snake rubs its head against a rough object.

  The snakes kill their prey in two ways: some species, such as snakes, poison using - they bite their prey with sharp teeth and inject the poison. Other species such as pythons strangle their prey screwing part of your body around them.

One of the factors to define the danger of bites is the amount of venom the snake can inoculate the prey. Quantities can be fatal to small prey, do not cause more inflammation than in larger animals or more resistant.

Every year a million people are bitten by snakes and serpents of which 30,000 to 40,000 of them die as a result of bites and venom injected.

A dose of snake venom-hood is enough to kill 10 men.

The Sand-viper of Europe has in front of each eye holes that are nothing more than channels of perception in the dark. These channels are used to locate warm-blooded animals (through body temperature) during the night or are hiding in holes or under the ground.

  The snake-Ratter is the largest in the Iberian Peninsula and can reach 2 m in length.

             The python can reach 4 m

.Gabriela P.

It measures 37 cm, weight 277 g. It has a sharp spur, bone, 1 cm in length at the meeting of the wings, a black belt from the neck to the chest and even a few sentences long (penhacho) on the back of the head, has a striking design in black, white and gray in plumage. The iris and legs are reddish.

The spur appears to rivals or enemies with a lift or wing during flight. Sexes similar.

Lives in wetlands and grasslands, it is seen on roads, often far from water.

Occurs in Central America to Tierra del Fuego and in Brazil.

Sometimes adopt tactics similar to certain fishing herons, amazing fish and insect larvae hidden in the mud rapidly moving the foot.

Larvae of insects, fish hidden in the mud, insects, small crustaceans, molluscs and other arthropod that is on earth.

In the spring, the female usually lays three to four eggs. They nest in a cavity in the ground scratching, eggs have a top or pear shape, proper way to roll around its axis and not laterally, being spotted, blending in perfectly with the ground. When adults are amazed nest pretend to be injured in order to divert the enemy away, the male becomes aggressive even a man.

Puppies are nidífugos: able to leave the nest almost immediately after peeling the egg.

manifestations sound
Voice: "tero-tero". This sound is heard day and night.

It is much appreciated by farmers, as the "watchdog" of the farm, works as a sentinel of the places they inhabit, drawing attention to any changes in your area. Any noise or intruder is immediately denounced by the shouting.

It is a very popular bird in Brazil.

Gabriela p.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ursus
Species: U. maritimus


Polar bears live in the regions of the Arctic Circle, northern coasts of America and Eurasia (countries such as Canada, the territory of Greenland, Russia and the U.S. state of Alaska)

Organize themselves into small groups of about four animals.

It is a carnivorous and feed mainly on cod, salmon, birds, dolphins, lion cubs Mainha and other small mammals

The polar bear is very well adapted to living in cold regions, because it has a rich covering of fat in your skin, and thick coat.

The mating of this species occurs in the spring, and the young are born in winter

They are great swimmers due to the shape of their feet

The female usually generates an average of 3 offspring per pregnancy

The species is considered at low risk of extinction

Polar bears do not hibernate, just enter a state of semi-somnolence


Height: about 90 cm
Length: 2 meters on average
Pregnancy: 7 to 8 months
Color: White
Weight: can reach 600 pounds
                                                        Gabriela P.
  The sheep are called ruminants because they have more than one stomach. This means that they can digest grains that other animals (such as dogs, for example) can not

Although not your favorite activity, the sheep also can swim when it is necessary

There were at least 2,386 different species of sheep in Wales before it was inhabited.

The sheep do not have top front teeth.

                                                                      Gabriela P.