terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

  Despite its long neck, the giraffe has the same number of vertebrae that the mouse or man. It is so high because of the elongation of each of the bones of the neck and legs. This great height allows you to feed on the leaves and highest tender trees, especially acacia. The animal can also easily monitor the surroundings, which is an advantage to guard against the dangers. There are some disadvantages. For drinking, the giraffe is very open legs and painfully down the neck so that his mouth can reach the water. This is an unstable and uncomfortable position that makes the giraffe defenseless against the lion. The organization is the group that solves this problem: some stand guard while others drink.
When the giraffe galloping, the hind legs intersect with the front. In its normal pace, it moves the first moving both legs on one side of the body and then the other side, it uses the neck to maintain balance

                                                                                                      Gabriela P

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