terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

   The koala bear (scientific name: Phascolarctos cinereus) is a mammal of the family Phascolarctidae of gray and white that lives in the southeast and northeast of Australia.
In some countries, people believe that koalas are bears. In fact, although they are also cute, they are marsupials like kangaroos - Australian neighbors.
Puppies:At birth the calf weighs only 0.5 g is less than 20 mm in length. The body is devoid of hair, rosy and full of blood vessels, eyes and ears are still closed, the mouth, nostrils and the hind legs are just an outline. Only the front feet are sufficiently robust to allow you to run alone the way to the pouch of her mother and remain there clutching one of the two breasts.Around five and a half months, the calf starts to come under his quiet, but not stray too far from the mother and, at the first sign of danger, it emits or to enter a kind of wail.At 6 months, the koala is covered with hair, is about 20 cm and weighs between 400 and 500 g. During the first months of life, the koala's diet is very special: it consumes a pope who is made of pre-digested eucalyptus leaves that leaves the mother's intestine.Being outside the refuge will increase, and at 8 months, it becomes final. From there, the young just sticks his head in the pouch when you have to breastfeed. During the nocturnal wanderings, his mother still carries on his back.With about 1 year old, the puppy is completely weaned. In the case of a female, will only be away from his mother when looking for their own territory. But if male, will be expelled during the reproductive season by the male resident.
These Australian animals have a complex personality and live in social groups. In each community, there is a dominant male. In addition, each koala has its own tree - it is for this reason that, where the forests are destroyed to make way for urbanization, many of them are homeless.
Koalas communicate with each other at a distance. The sounds they emit are also used to express social status, dominance, and sometimes aggressiveness. Since moms "talk" with their babies by sound affectionate.

                                                                                               Gabriela P.

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